Execute Order 66 (Days) – How to Form a Habit

Many people post after their first run, the first day of a diet, or when they are writing a song, and they finish one (the first in maybe six months). I’m happy that you did it, I mean that. BUT, if you’re trying to master a skill, it really doesn’t mean a lot if you only do that once every six months. Even once a week will not get you to where you want to go. What about posting after you’ve done two songs a week for 2 months?

The Mirror Trick – Learn to sing and strum a new patteren

That’s the trick! Try it out the next time you have a hard time keeping a new strumming pattern while singing! I have used this trick many, many times, and it has helped me to get that “Patting your head, rubbing your belly” feeling to go away.

Losing your voice? Try this trick

Everyone knows, if you find it online, it must be true!