Alone With Peter Podcast – Episode 1

Hey everyone! I was recently on a podcast with my good friend Peter Kersting and I wanted to give you think link! I talk a lot about the same things I talk about her on the blog! Give it a listen, a like and subscribe to support this awesome guy! If you liked the episode,Continue reading "Alone With Peter Podcast – Episode 1"

Networking – The do’s and don’ts

Good (insert time of day you're reading this), my friend! I actually don't remember what prompted me to write something on networking, I think I was coming out of work one day and heard someone talking about it. If this is what happened, let's assume that everything they said was wrong. I say this becauseContinue reading "Networking – The do’s and don’ts"

Execute Order 66 (Days) – How to Form a Habit

Many people post after their first run, the first day of a diet, or when they are writing a song, and they finish one (the first in maybe six months). I'm happy that you did it, I mean that. BUT, if you're trying to master a skill, it really doesn't mean a lot if you only do that once every six months. Even once a week will not get you to where you want to go. What about posting after you've done two songs a week for 2 months?

Box 5 – The Blues Major Pentatonic

The final piece to our puzzle is box 5. I'm not actually sure what scale this is. It's cool and hits the 6… which is the first scale that we have the does that! Hey, hey, hey If we place this box at the start of our scale, we have 1(root) - 2 - 4Continue reading "Box 5 – The Blues Major Pentatonic"

Box 4 – When you’re feeling sad bluesy

We're rolling right along to box 4! Let's ask this question, though. When should I add a new box to work on? Well, for each person, that's a little different. I think you should be able to play the scale backward and forwards without much trouble at a certain bpm. Let's at say 95 bpm. Does that number hold any special value? Hell, no. I just used it as an arbitrary number. You can pick any number you'd like. The METRONOME is the key part here! You should be able to have some "pressure" on you to keep you honest and moving.

Box 3 – The androgynous box – Our suspended scale

Box three has become my favorite to play! It's the center of the pinwheel of the minor shape, and if placed at the root note on the sixth string, it's a suspended scale, which is cool because it means that even if the parts underneath you are major or minor, you still won't miss a note!