Networking – The do’s and don’ts

Good (insert time of day you’re reading this), my friend! I actually don’t remember what prompted me to write something on networking, I think I was coming out of work one day and heard someone talking about it. If this is what happened, let’s assume that everything they said was wrong. I say this becauseContinueContinue reading “Networking – The do’s and don’ts”

Dead Weight

How are these terms defined? Everyone has their own schedule. It is determined by open communication. Someone isn’t wrong by not wanting to commit an undefined (or a schedule sculpted a little too well) amount of time.

Another year over, a new one just begun

What a peculiar year. I have a feeling we will look back at this year as the year that showed us who we were. It seemed like we had nothing but time to work on (I hate this phrase) our quarantine album. But most of my “progress” came at the end of the year forContinueContinue reading “Another year over, a new one just begun”

In A Rut? Try This Trick to Get Stuff Done!

Last week I ran into “the wall of china of getting stuff done.” I lost all of my drive and zest for progression. Don’t get me wrong; none of my anxiety left me. But I couldn’t for the life of me get anything I needed to get done. Well, I put on my big boyContinueContinue reading “In A Rut? Try This Trick to Get Stuff Done!”

The Rockstar Illusion

Close your eyes and think of the average night of your favorite artist? They’re probably having the time of their (and your) life. They also seem to have a superpower of being immune to the consequential effects of extreme and constant hedonism… I want to point out that this is all in your head!

Creating Vs Releasing Art

Take a long at your catalog right quick. Do you have anything in there that you are super proud of? Do you have a song that you love the production on as well as the writing? Maybe not! Maybe the reason you feel anxious and unsure of what you’re doing in life is because you haven’t actually done that much of what you love to do.

Submithub – How to get your music out to a new audience

If you’re Taylor Swift, you can announce on just Instagram that you have a song dropping, and that will do you just fine. Let’s take a look at how many followers she has… Yep I’m off by 137 million.

Precision Practice

Are you having a hard time hitting a phrase of notes in a song? I have a quick solution to your tiny problem! Macgruber always misses Our first step is establishing and working out which notes we need to hit, what techniques are used to get the sound we want. Our second step is findingContinueContinue reading “Precision Practice”

Stage banter: How to win your audience over between songs

Stage banter: How to win your audience over between songs Do you know what the difference is between stand-up comics and a musician is? They tell jokes, you play music. That’s about it… ok, obviously that’s not the only thing, but I’m driving…